Shave for a Cure! Long locks be gone- and lets support people in need!

Did you know that the first official ‘Shave for a Cure’ event occurred in 1999, with 1.85 million raised and 1,700 heads shaved! Pretty amazing.
And it has only grown from there.
This year, Tweak is getting behind one of our customers Rhiannon who is shaving her beautiful long red locks and raising money for the cure.
Rhi was inspired to take part because she wanted to do more and show her support for a friend currently battling cancer. She is hoping to hit the 10K mark in donations and we are supporting her by donating 15% of our profits on all sales using the code SHAVE. But we also wanted to say thank you to everyone who helps us out so with that code, you also get 15% off your order.
The World’s Greatest Shave is celebrating 24 years in 2022 and we are proud to be a part of it and a part of Rhi’s journey. Here is what she has to say:
“I will be shaving my head on the 18/3/2022 to help raise money for all of those living with cancer. The main reason I decided to make this stand is because my best friend is currently going through chemo treatment and it made me realise how lucky most of us have it we just don’t realise it cause we are all living in fear of what we don’t have or are seeking.
My hair for me is something I have cherished for so long and has become a big part of my identity, so for me stepping into this without fear will hopefully inspire others to do the same in their own way!
My aim is to raise $10,000 to help someone’s life be better for the days they have left on this earth! Any donation would help make an impact and I am truly thankful for Tweak for supporting me in this journey too!”
To buy your Tweak and support Rhi, head to our shop!